Elna in Europe – Roma

copyright Elna SchutzOh man, Rome. How do you even.

I have to confess, dear blog reader, that I wasn’t impressed in the beginning. My first 24 hours in the iconic capital were, in internet speak, completely meh. I walked for ages through an ugly industrial area in the rain and wind, before getting introduced to the Roman bus system – possibly the most confusing piece of trickery I have yet to see. That’s when I decided to rebel and walk… in the wrong direction, as it turned out almost an hour later. *universal facepalm*

Was my honeymoon with Italy really already over?

copyright Elna Schutz
That evening I gave Rome a second chance by buying one of those tiny bottle of wine by Trevi Fountain and exploring the historic centre. Since my only travel companion was my trusty old Nikon, I took my time with some long exposure night photography (which you might remember I enjoy far too much) and portraits of people on the Spanish Steps.

Now this is what I love about traveling solo. You take a couple shots of strangers and before you know it, you’ve made a new friend and are ditching the overpriced tourist spots for a hidden local pizza place and stuffing your face, traditional Naples style.

copyright Elna Schutz My time in Italy was filled with the feeling, that around every corner, something unexpected might be waiting that you will definitely like (and probably be able to eat). Rome, despite my strange start, was the epitome of this. You could get dizzy from a head filled with beautiful things.

copyright Elna Schutz

What makes it even more fascinating is that this city truly is an amazing crossroads between old and new. Brand new stilettos clatter over cobbled streets as cars speed by ruins of an ancient time of Roman splendour. Layers upon layers of history, with modernity running right through it.

copyright Elna Schutz

Enough rambling, Elna. People should just go to Rome already.

For another of my adventures in the Italian capital, jump to this entry on World Nomads.

copyright Elna Schutz

*copyright to Elna Schutz 2014*